The coronavirus pandemic has left many countries under lockdown. As restrictions start to ease, it is more important than ever before to maintain social distancing. Therefore, it is crucial to hire mobile patrol security guards. Bristol Mobile patrols have been dispatched to retail stores, commercial outlets, and offices to help reinforce social distancing. They are just as important as CCTV monitoring and fire alarm systems. Thus, mobile patrol security guards have become the new normal.

Maintain Social Distancing

To avoid the spread of the Covid-19, mobile patrol security guards are vital. They are an invaluable asset for businesses of all sizes. Even a single retail security guard can help protect the premises whilst also ensuring that all social distancing rules are followed. At the same time, the security guards also prevent customers who do not have a face covering from entering the business premises or keep their faces covered throughout their time at the premises. Besides, the security guards monitor all safety measures to eliminate the spread of the coronavirus. It includes various functions such as below.

1. Crowd Control

One of the most effective ways through which mobile patrol security guards can help with social distancing is through crowd controls. It is more important now than ever before to ensure that public spaces are not overcrowded. Security guards help control the crowd, especially during peak hours. This strict measure diminishes the spread of Covid-19 and prevents any unwanted activity such as theft and unruly behaviour. Investing in security presence also provides customers with a peace of mind as they can continue to shop without having to worry about the retail outlet being filled with customers.

2. Limit the Number of Customers

In addition to crowd control, the security guards limit the number of customers. It is vital in case of a surge in cases or if a customer is found to be infected inside the premises. By limiting the number of customers, it would become much easier to manage and contain the situation. It is an important measure in case of an emergency or suspicious activity.

3. De-Escalate Situations

When you hire Bristol security guards, you also get to make sure that the retail staff can focus on their jobs and provide excellent customer service. If a situation gets too heated, security guards can help de-escalate the situation. Moreover, security guards are needed to address any threats of violence.

4. Meet SOP Requirements

The government has placed strict SOP requirements for businesses. Failure to follow the requirements results in businesses having to pay hefty fines. To ensure compliance, businesses are hiring mobile patrol security guards to help with social distancing.


The importance of mobile patrol security guards cannot be stressed enough. They are the unsung heroes who are making a huge difference in helping prevent the spread of the coronavirus. To help with social distancing, it makes sense to hire them.